
How to calculate a field in webform?

br flag

We recently implemented a site on the Drupal environment.

We make considerable use of the amazing Webform system. However, we encountered a need for which we did not see a solution in the existing elements in the Webform.

We need an element that can perform a simple calculation (+ - * /) between other numerical fields and\or pre-set numbers as we choose. So that the person filling out the form will see the result of the calculation while filling out the form. Something like entering a number and multiply by X number or another number field.

Is there a solution for that?

si flag

you can use Computed twig field. In this example it calculates the result of 5 fields (a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 + f2) only if all the fields are complete

enter image description here

us flag

You probably want to use a computed element. Check out this video.

Eldad Shalhevet avatar
br flag
not exactly, I'm looking for calculated fields that calculates while filling the form (check this exampl on a previos platform we have (ignore the hebrew text)

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