
Drush 10 is not working - seems unable to properly find the site

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Greetings to all of you.

Drush seems unable to properly find the site.

The output of vendor/drush/drush/drush status

PHP binary    : /usr/bin/php                                                   
PHP config    : /etc/php.ini                                                   
PHP OS        : Linux                                                          
Drush script  : /usr/share/site_dir/vendor/drush/drush/drush     
Drush version : 10.5.0                                                         
Drush temp    : /tmp                                                           
Drush configs : /usr/share/nginx/site_dir/vendor/drush/drush/drush.yml 
Drupal root   : /usr/share/nginx/site_dir/web/web

Please notice that the reported Drupal root shows web/web


In fact the Drupal root, seems to me, should be


Any ideas, please.

Many thanks.

Jaypan avatar
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I'd do a search on the code base (specifically any scaffolding files) for the strings `'web'` and `/web`, and see what you find. Maybe you need to remove it from some configuration file somewhere. Or it may be that you've misconfigured it in NGINX somewhere. Does the site load when you access the URL set in your NGINX config?
Jaypan avatar
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Also, what directory have you executed Drush from? And do you have Drupal Finder installed with composer in your project directory?
Balde Binos avatar
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Does the site load when you access the URL set in your NGINX config? Yes What directory have you executed Drush from? /usr/share/nginx/site_dir Do you have Drupal Finder installed with composer in your project directory? Can You be more specific, please.
Balde Binos avatar
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Tanks @Jaypan. I found the problem: Somebody copied the file /usr/share/nginx/site_dir/composer.json to /usr/share/nginx/site_dir/web/composer.json

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