
Can we add custom CSS class in \Drupal::messenger()->addStatus()?

cn flag

I did some research regarding adding custom CSS classes in the message but could not find the actual solution.

As per Drupal 9 documentation:


public function addMessage($message, $type = self::TYPE_STATUS, $repeat = FALSE);

I don't find the option to add CSS class. On the frontend, I would like to add custom CSS class custom-messages--status in the outputted <div> so that I can format it as desired:

<div class="col-md-12 messages custom-messages--status">Successfully submitted.</div>
fr flag

addMessage() accepts a string or a MarkupInterface as its argument. If you intend to pass HTML to addMessage(), you need to construct a render array for that markup then explicitly render it. For example:

$build = [
  '#type' => 'container',
  '#markup' => t('Successfully submitted'),
  '#attributes' => ['class' => ['custom-messages--status']],
$message = \Drupal::service('renderer')->renderPlain($build);

Of course, you should inject these services when possible rather than using static \Drupal:: calls.


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