
Configuration synchronization page throwing 504 timeout error

in flag

This issue is happening on every level above my vagrant local box. It's a brand new website and a few days back I had to copy my database from local to staging environment. Once done, I ran drush -cim to import the files from config/sync directory into the database.

no error while running the drush -cim command and also all the UUIDs match from local to staging environment. However, on loading the config/sync page in the front end, I constantly see 504 timeout error. Screenshot as below:

enter image description here

The watchdog does not have any error and I saw just one error message:

enter image description here

This error is not constant and I am unable to reproduce this error as well. any help on how I can bring the config/sync page back up??

cn flag
A 504 is a server error, not thrown by Drupal - you'll need to to dig through your server logs to find the issue
Jiah avatar
in flag
Understood. Server log means Apache log right?
cn flag
Probably yes, but it depends on your setup. If you've got varnish for example check its logs, if you're using PHP FPM check those logs, and so on
Jiah avatar
in flag
Ok, I'll do that. This doesn't have anything to do with config files UUIDs right?
cn flag
I wouldn't have thought so, not directly anyway. Stuff like this usually comes down to server config or resource/memory problems in my experience
Jiah avatar
in flag
ok i'll check server logs
in flag

Finally, I got this fixed. Apache log did not have any evidence for this issue. However, on the config/sync page in the 'Import' tab, I saw an error as "/var/www/html/config/sync" folder is not writable. Making this folder permission to 760 fixed the issue for me.


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