
"block_name" not found

cn flag

I installed the Twig Tweak module.

{{ drupal_block('block_name') }}

doesn't work. In Drupal logs I get the error

The "block_name" was not found

"block_name" I get from the config url of the block config page


Do I do anything wrong?

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Great! Thank you!
in flag

You need to use:

{{ drupal_entity('block', 'MY_BLOCK_ID') }}

The Rendering blocks with Twig Tweak guide walks through the three common block types and how to render them.

Block plugins, i.e. custom blocks defined with an annotation

{{ drupal_block('MY_BLOCK_ID') }}

Block configuration entities, i.e. blocks configured at /admin/structure/block (what it looks like you're trying to do)

{{ drupal_entity('block', 'MY_BLOCK_ID') }}

Block content entities, i.e. blocks managed at /admin/structure/block/block-content

{{ drupal_entity('block_content', 'MY_BLOCK_ID') }}
cn flag

You don't need to place the block in Block Layout. Twig Tweak creates a block instance on the fly.

Use the block plugin ID. You find the ID in the annotations of the plugin class. For example the core branding block:

* @Block(
 *   id = "system_branding_block",

If the block is derived from block content the UUID is added after a colon, for example: block_content:4124d2132-5ed1-4a12-add1-144e210da157

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