
Updated: Webform tokens present user-submitted data for form fields

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I'm attempting to build a webform (Webform 8.x, Drupal 8) that requires the ability for a user to submit the form multiple times.

To simplify the process for users, I'd like to set up some form fields to:

  • be empty by on their first visit to the form
  • for subsequent renders of the form, some form fields should be prepopulated with submissions from the previous submission

Is there a way to achieve this using tokens?

I'm attempting to use tokens to do this (details below) but various approaches aren't working.

All of the examples below address the first_name field, which is in the personal_information fieldset.

I have added the following tokens in the field's default value field with no luck:

  1. This support page about webform tokens (for webform 7.x): ...advises that I access the value using:


...but it doesn't work when I add it to the 'Default value' field. Instead, I receive an error from Drupal saying that:

Default value is using the following invalid tokens: [submission:values:personal_information:first_name].


If I follow the token guidance on the form in Webform 8.x, it seems to advise that I use this structure for my token:


...the result is the field's label ('First name') is pre-populated in the field.

If I append the :clear suffix, the result is the same, the field's label is still pre-populated in the field.

This seems is the most successful option so far.


If I add :value to the token:


...the result is the text of the token is pre-populated in the field.

If I append the :clear suffix:


...the field is empty on the first and subsequent submissions.


If I use this, which seems to be the guidance in the token section about 'Webform tokens from submitted data':

[webform_submission:values:first_name] renders the text of the token.

If I append the :clear suffix:


...the field is empty on the first and subsequent submissions.

If I include the fieldset value:


...the site returns an error message: "LogicException: The "[webform_submission:values:personal_information:first_name]" is being called recursively..." And a subsequent yaml error after changing it. The only way I can resolve this issue (even after editing the form's yaml via the CMS or the config file) is by deleting the form field and then re-creating it.


If I attempt this:

[webform_submission:values:first_name:raw] renders the text of the token.

If I add the :clear suffix, the field is empty on the first and subsequent submissions.

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This has been addressed here:

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