Pieces fell into place after a short nap.
Here's how you do it...
The contextual filter will be to display in the sidebar bock the same Resource node (matches the NID) loaded as a full node.
A relationship is needed to display field data for the related Source. In this situation, you don't contextual filter on the Source at all.
For me, it worked best to set them up in that order.
- Settings to get the current node filtered into a sidebar Views block:
Provide default value: enabled
Type: "Content ID from URL"
Save the View.
At this point, I did a bit of testing by putting a nid in the "Preview with contextual filters" field below the View. Worked as expected.
- Settings for Relationship to Source.
Relationship: Content referenced from field_select_source (important: This is not the same as the "Content using..." option)
Require this relationship: enabled (this may not be necessary, but made sense to me and works)
Apply and save the view.
- Add fields from Source and choose the "field_select_source: Content" in the Relationship dropdown for each field.
Add the block to sidebar region for Resource nodes.
That's it.
Result: Each Resource has a sidebar block showing Source information.
Edit: Jaypan's answer posted while I was writing this. It sounds more like how to display Resources while viewing the Source, which is the flipside of the relationship. But maybe that can work also.