
Update Alias Programmatically

us flag

I have a large website with 240 urls that need to be updated. I would like to do this programmatically to avoid making errors. I created the following function which seems to work. There seems to be a good bit of complexity here for what I am trying to accomplish. Is there a simplier way to update the url of a node?

function alias_replace($path, $lang, $new_alias) {

  $path_alias_manager = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('path_alias');

  $alias_objects = $path_alias_manager->loadByProperties([
    'path'     => $path,
    'langcode' => $lang
  foreach($alias_objects as $alias_object) {

    'path'     => $path,
    'alias'    => $new_alias,
    'langcode' => $lang

Kevin avatar
in flag
Why not use Pathauto to bulk generate?
Greg Sims avatar
us flag
The urls follow the website structure for content that we authored. Here is a sample url: /daily-devotions/genesis-1to11/in-the-beginning. The content has been translated into Spanish and Chinese. Chinese urls are mostly English. The Spanish urls are in Spanish without the accent marks. I'm not sure there is a Pathauto solution.
Rick B avatar
cn flag
You should be able to set a Pathauto pattern for each language. (in Drupal 8) If you also have the transliteration module, and the token module installed, I think you be able to use the Pathauto solution for the use case you described.
Greg Sims avatar
us flag
Thanks for the feedback on Pathauto -- I will look into this further. Is the code I included above the best way to update the url for a node without Pathauto?
gf flag

A slightly simpler way I found is that you don't need to delete and create the alias object as you can just update its object properties in place with ->save() like this:

function alias_replace($path, $lang, $new_alias) {

  $path_alias_manager = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('path_alias');

  $alias_objects = $path_alias_manager->loadByProperties([
    'path'     => $path,
    'langcode' => $lang
  foreach($alias_objects as $alias_object) {
    $alias_object->alias = $new_alias;

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