
How to get all the pages where a block is placed

gb flag

If I have a block as an entity inside of the function hook_entity_update(), then how to get the paths of all the pages where the block is placed? Can't find an anwser via Google.

Or maybe first I should get the regions? If so, how to get the regions and then the pages?

I see that I have the following four properties inside of the hook_entity_update() when the entity type is block: provider, visibility_tabs, actions and original

cn flag
You'll probably need to crawl the site from the outside to get that information reliably. Drupal doesn't maintain a list of all possible URLs it could serve
stckvrw avatar
gb flag
But there is the tab "Pages" with value(s) when I open configuration page of a block in admin panel. How to get the value(s) programmatically?
4uk4 avatar
cn flag
stckvrw avatar
gb flag
@4k4 thank you! Is there a link where I can also read how to get the pages for a view?
stckvrw avatar
gb flag
Ok, I've found by myself: `$view->getDisplay('page_1')`

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