
Botton webform change bootstrap class

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Maybe someone knows why when you change the name of the button, its class changes from btn-primary to btn-default. btn-primary only if there is a submit in the button name (Without spaces before or after).

cn flag
Because that's how the bootstrap theme is coded. There's a preprocess function which checks the button label and applies a class based on it.
Павел Герасюта avatar
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Where exactly is this function implemented?
cn flag
In includes/ (`_bootstrap_colorize_button()`)
br flag

Thank you so much for Clive help. As it turned out, the _bootstrap_colorize_button function is responsible for choosing which class will be assigned depending on the label. To add a new word to this function, you need to implement hook_bootstrap_colorize_text_alter(). My code.

function myTheme_bootstrap_colorize_text_alter(array &$texts){
  $texts['contains'][t('Register')] = 'primary';

Instead of t ('Register'), you need the word and assign the bootstrap class you need.


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