
What is Pages (from D7 and D8) replaced with in D9?

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I'm working on a D9 project that we just migrated from D7, but there doesn't exist a admin > structure > pages link. What was this replaced with? Same with Panels, I still see Panels as a Content Type, but what about a structure?

All I could find online was "How to create a Basic Page". I want more than a basic page, I want to structure pages together.

Kevin avatar
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I have never seen a "Pages" under structure. Must be a contributed module.
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The admin/structure/pages route is handled by the Page Manager module, which is included in the Drupal 7 version of the Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) project.


For Drupal 8 and Drupal 9, it's a separate project: the Page Manager project. The route is handled by the Page Manager UI module that is part of that project. Installing only the Page Manager module doesn't make that route available.


BlondeSwan avatar
br flag
Just what I was looking for. Thanks! Surprised this still isn't included in Chaos Tools...
apaderno avatar
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For what I recall, part of the original code in the *Page Manager* has been incorporated in Drupal core. That's why the *Page Manager* module was separated from the *Chaos Tool Suite (ctools)* project. It was not made a different project to then merge the projects back.

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