
can I set multiple JavaScript files on a custom module library?

co flag

I created a new module and I need to add multiple JavaScript files to my pageI.

Should I create a new library for each file, or is it possible to add multiple JavaScript files on the same library as in the following library definition?

  version: 1.0
    js/admin/jquery-1.10.2.min.js: {}
    js/admin/admin.js: {}
jm flag

Yes, you can add multiple JS and CSS files to the same library. Here is an example you can follow.

  version: 1.x
      '//[email protected]/dist/jBox.all.min.css': {type: external, minified: true}
    '//[email protected]/dist/jBox.all.min.js': {type: external, minified: true}
    js/jbox-custom-modal.js: {}
us flag

Drupal doesn't put any limit on the number of JavaScript files a library can contain. This is how the drupal.collapse library is defined in core.libraries.yml.

  version: VERSION
    misc/details-aria.js: {}
    misc/collapse.js: {}
    - core/jquery
    - core/modernizr
    - core/drupal
    - core/drupal.form
    - core/jquery.once

It's not a common case in Drupal core, as most of the libraries contain a single JavaScript file, and adds the other files as dependencies, but that doesn't mean a library cannot contain more than a JavaScript file.

In the case of using a jQuery file different from the one used from Drupal core, I would be careful, and first verify it doesn't create issues.


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