
Hash in menu item url are removed when displaying the menu on a page

gb flag

If a menu item has a submenu and I specify the hash symbol (#) in the Link field of such parent menu item in the admin panel, I receive empty url at the frontend and therefore if click by such link, I follow to the homepage.

Even if I use in my menu--main.html.twig template the code like

{% set menu_item_url = item.url %}
{% if menu_item_url == '' %}
{% set menu_item_url = '#' %}
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ menu_item_url }}" ...

I still receive empty href=""

How to resolve the problem? I mean is there a way inside of templates? Of course, I know that I can resolve the problem with JS.

Note: I don't mean an anchor, I just need # as parent item url if the item has a submenu.

leymannx avatar
ne flag
What exactly did you enter as link? `/#some-id`?
leymannx avatar
ne flag
Does this answer your question? [How can I have links to anchors in menus?](
stckvrw avatar
gb flag
No, I don't mean an anchor. I just need # as parent item url if the item has a submenu
leymannx avatar
ne flag
I don't understand. You want `<a href="#">`? You know you can enter `<nolink>` in the menu UI if the menu item shouldn't be a link?
leymannx avatar
ne flag
Maybe look at [Non-Clickable Menu Items](
stckvrw avatar
gb flag
@leymannx yes, I want `<a href="#">`. If I enter `<nolink>` or `route:<nolink>` I still receive empty `href=""` at the frontend
leymannx avatar
ne flag
I guess `item.url` is actually an object. Try Twig Debug and then put `{{ dd(item.url) }}`. You maybe want `item.url.value` or similar.
uz flag

Here is an example, where clicking 'Example menulink' will not send you elsewhere is you have a submenu item. Otherwise use url: 'internal:##'

  title: 'Example menulink'
  url: 'internal:#'
  menu_name: mycustom-menu
  weight: 1009
  enabled: 1
  expanded: 1

  title: 'Anchor link'
  parent: MYMODULE.menuitemxyz
  menu_name: mycustom-menu
  url: 'internal:#using_anchors'
  weight: 1007
pl flag

If you do not want a link in the parent menu item, you may also use <none> as link. I always use it for menu items without a link.

leymannx avatar
ne flag
No that's not what they want. See the comments.

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