
How can i render a file using a formatter programmatically in a controller?

lb flag

I'm trying to create a controller to render a swagger documentation using the module swagger_ui_formatter that provide a formatter to the file field that render swagger files (yml, yaml, json) using javascript libraries to show the documentation like swagger website do. Then i copy my yml file in my module directory and in my controller i can load this file.

  public function buildApiDocumentation() {

    $file_system = \Drupal::service('file_system');

    $searchFiles = '/^.*\.(yml)$/';
    $directory = dirname(__DIR__,2).'/docs';

    $file = $file_system->scanDirectory($directory, $searchFiles, ['recurse' => FALSE]);

But i don't know how can i render this file using the swagger formatter that the module provide, i can't use the traditional way to use this formatter, creating a content type with a file field and after that create a view and render it, because is a very manual process and i need to fix the api documentation file in a directory that only the dev team can update.

Kevin avatar
in flag
Why can't you return a render array with a custom theme function to do what you want?
apaderno avatar
us flag
A field formatter is used to render an entity field. Without an entity that is rendered, a field formatter cannot be used.
Mauricio avatar
lb flag
@apaderno interesting... i don't know that, so i need to create a node with this file and using this node i can render because now is an entity, right?
apaderno avatar
us flag
That's the only way to use a field formatter.
lb flag

as @apaderno mentioned we can't use a formatter that way, then i decided to build my own module to render my swagger documentation using the official swagger ui, and load the file using a javascript directive.

Thanks for helping.

de flag

You can return a BinaryFileRespose from your controller:

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse;

public function buildApiDocumentation() {

  $file_system = \Drupal::service('file_system');

  $searchFiles = '/^.*\.(yml)$/';
  $directory = dirname(__DIR__,2).'/docs';

  $file = $file_system->scanDirectory($directory, $searchFiles, ['recurse' => FALSE]);

  return new BinaryFileResponse($file);
Mauricio avatar
lb flag
Thanks for your answer, but what i'm looking for is how can i use a formatter to render this file, using the formatter that swagger_ui_formatter module provide. i need to render a yml like swagger website do.
Jaypan avatar
de flag
I don't know this module, but if it has a field formatter, it means the data can be saved into a field. You need to create a field of that type, save the value to that field, and set that field to render output using that field formatter.
Mauricio avatar
lb flag
Thanks @jaypan i'm going to try this creating a node programmatically, set the file and after render it.

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