
Hook webform options WEBFORM OPTIONS ID alter()

cn flag

[{"value_1":"Dragon fly"},{"value_1":"Agapostemon angelicus"},{"value_1":"Albuna oberthuri"},{"value_1":"Callohesma flavopicta"}]

This is a JSON data i need to use to import for radios in drupal 8 webforms. Iam using hook_webform_options_WEBFORM_OPTIONS_ID_alter()

I cant use value_1 as a key in radios, cause it is not unique, so I need to somehow copy the value into the key and get the same data on both sides, too look like this.

[{"Dragon fly":"Dragon fly"},{"Agapostemon angelicus":"Agapostemon angelicus"},{"Albuna oberthuri":"Albuna oberthuri"},{"Callohesma flavopicta":"Callohesma flavopicta"}] there are many lists and many data but the same problem.

This is the code from the module I made followed by instructions:

 * Implements hook_webform_options_WEBFORM_OPTIONS_ID_alter().
function my_module_webform_options_external_countries_alter(array &$options, array &$element) {
  // Load cached options.
  if ($cache = \Drupal::cache()->get('external_countries')) {
    $options = $cache->data;

  // Get data as associative array from the external webservice.
  $external_countries_url = '';
  $options = json_decode(file_get_contents($external_countries_url), TRUE);

  // Cache options so that we don't have to make continual requests
  // to the external webservice.
  \Drupal::cache()->set('external_countries', $options);

Geat avatar
de flag
Just checking that you replaced CUSTOM_MODULE with the machine name of your module?
Dragan Petrovic FSD avatar
cn flag
That CUSTOM_MODULE is copied from drupal, but unfortunately, you got a point I said that I made followed by instructions, it's a typo.
cn flag
@DraganPetrovicFSD There's no need to edit your question to mark it as "SOLVED". Instead, you should wait a couple days and then check the green box to mark your answer as the accepted answer.
cn flag

I just found a solution. I probably didn't explain it well, so there was no answer. I hope that the solution to the problem I had will better explain the situation I was in.

function external_usa_list_webform_options_external_countries_alter(array &$options, array &$element) {
  // Load cached options.
  if ($cache = \Drupal::cache()->get('external_countries')) {
    $options = $cache->data;

  // Get data as associative array from the external webservice.
  $external_countries_url = '';
  $options = json_decode(file_get_contents($external_countries_url), TRUE);

  $options = array_combine(array_values($options), array_values($options));

  // Cache options so that we don't have to make continual requests
  // to the external webservice.
  \Drupal::cache()->set('external_countries', $options);

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