
How can I filter the path aliases by node id?

kr flag

On this page admin/config/search/path, we can only filter the results by URL alias.

I want to filter the results by node id as well?

How can I do that?

It is not possible with form alter. As the original form submit is redirecting to the entity.path_alias.collection route with the url alias filter only.

Is there any way, I can filter them by node id?

apaderno avatar
us flag
Path aliases aren't necessarily for nodes. That's why that page doesn't allow to filter by node ID. If it were doing that, it should also filter by taxonomy term, or other entity IDs.
gb flag

The URL alias page it's not a view so, there is no way to add new filter via UI, but you can add a new filter programmatically:
Here is an article explaining how to do so DRUPAL 8 ADD ANOTHER FILTER TO URL ALIASES PAGE
you need to adjust a little bit the code provided in the article it's for path field and you need nid field !


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