I´m having an fieldable entity with a reference field to paragraphs field_paragraphs
and a paragraph_type with a reference field to content_type event field_events
What i am trying in the entity form is to have a button in the paragraph_type event subform which on click prefills the field_events
of the paragraph_type with content. The form display of field_events
uses an entity_browser to let the user also manually choose or deselect programmatically added events and i guess this is where I am stuck.
I think i am pretty close to the solution, let me try to describe:
When clicking the button, the added events are not visible, if I use the entity_browser now to insert an event, all the events that i programmatically added get displayed.
So I somehow need to tell the entity_browser in my callback to return the updated list, i guess (I´m a Drupal beginner, so please go easy on me) But I have no clue how to do so, also i think it should be possible without doing so? I mean just add the references and let the "form rebuild independently of the form display" ... I dont know, here is the code so far:
* Implements hook_field_widget_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter().
function module_field_widget_paragraphs_form_alter(&$element, &$form_state, $context) {
switch ($element['#paragraph_type']) {
case 'events':
$replace_id = $element['subform']['field_events']['widget']['#id'];
$element["subform"]['add_tomorrows_events_button'] = [
'#type' => 'button',
'#attributes' => [
'name' => 'add_tomorrows_events',
'#value' => t('Add tomorrows events'),
'#ajax' => [
'callback' => 'module_insert_tomorrows_events_into_paragraph_events',
'wrapper' => $replace_id,
'method' => 'replace',
'event' => 'click',
// code...
* Ajax callback.
function module_insert_tomorrows_events_into_paragraph_events( &$form, FormStateInterface &$form_state) {
/* Get the index of the paragraph in field_paragraphs */
$triggering_element = $form_state->getTriggeringElement();
$paragraph_index = $triggering_element["#parents"][1];
/* For now just try to add 10 events */
$results = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')
->condition('type', 'event')
->range(0, 10)
/* Here I´m trying to build up the string like it is in the target_id key of the widget
e.G "node:3213 node:54354 node:432423"
$target_ids = "";
foreach ($results as $res) {
$target_ids .= " node:".$res;
$form["field_paragraphs"]['widget'][$paragraph_index]["subform"]["field_events"]["widget"]["target_id"]['#value'] = $target_ids;
/* just other stuff i tried */
/*$form["field_paragraphs"]['widget'][$paragraph_index]["subform"]["field_events"]["widget"]["target_id"]['#default_value'] = $target_ids;*/
/* $form_state->setValue(['field_paragraphs', $paragraph_index, 'subform', 'field_events', 'target_id'], $target_ids);
/* tried to update the EB but `current` is not updated :/
$t = EntityReferenceBrowserWidget::updateWidgetCallback($form, $form_state);
return $t["field_paragraphs"]["widget"][$paragraph_index]["subform"]["field_events"]["widget"];
return $form["field_paragraphs"]['widget'][$paragraph_index]["subform"]["field_events"]["widget"];
TL;DR: The events get added but the entity_form/entity_browser is not updated visually, after using the entity_browser all programmatically added events get displayed, how to display them in the first place?