
Drush 10 sql-sync and multi site --uri not working

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I am doing some D8 to D9 migrations and having a problem with a multisite. I upgraded my local version to drush 10 as well as on my dev server and included the drush/sites/ file.

I can sql-sync the default db no problem, but when I try and specify a --uri it still targets my default database.

drush sql-sync @self says it will replace us2_local with us2dev which is correct.

drush sql-sync @self --uri="reports" says it will replace us2_reports_local with us2dev. That is incorrect. The source DB should be a different database in this case. It did get the target database correct as my local db is us2_reports_local.

if I do drush status database points to us2dev

if I do drush status --uri="reports" it shows the correct us2 reports db so status seems to work, but not sql-sync

Any ideas? I feel like I am missing something obvious. I am still on the latest version of drupal 8 until I get the modules up to date.

Jaypan avatar
de flag
`--uri` passes a URL (eg. ``) that is used as the URL accessing Drupal. 'reports' doesn't look valid. What is it you're t trying to do with `--uri`?
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`reports` is a site defined in the sites.php file used in multisite. For example, in sites.php `$sites['reports.us2.local'] = 'reports';`. If I pass that URL instead of the site name, it still does not work @Jaypan
Jaypan avatar
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I don't believe that's what `--uri` does. It sounds like you need to set up a drush alias, and set the URI there. Then you can call drush with the alias.
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That was indeed the problem @Jaypan. I still have to specify --uri in order for sql-sync to select the correct local DB which I find odd. I may not have the new entirely correct
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for example: `drush sql-sync @self` results in replace `us2_local` with `us2dev-reports` `drush sql-sync @self --uri=reports` results in the correct local db: replace `us2_reports_local` with `us2dev-reports`

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