
How do I create a breadcrumb with the taxonomy terms used by the node?

mw flag

I created a vocabulary for the nodes.


I installed the Easy Breadcrumb module.

When a node is tagged, for example, with Crypto and ICO, the breadcrumb should be the following one.

Accueil >> Crypto >> ICO >> Node Title

Home >> Term >> Sub-term >> Node Title

Nodes will only have a single term or a term and a sub-term.

Currently it does not work.


I also installed the Taxonomy Menu module.

The structure of the taxonomy is therefore exactly the same as that of the main menu, but nodes aren't attached to menus.

Does anyone have a solution?

in flag

I think you want Menu Breadcrumb instead of Easy Breadcrumb. This way, your breadcrumb trail is based on a menu, not the URL path. Then, use it in conjunction with Taxonomy Menu.

mathieu avatar
mw flag
I don't think so, because nodes don't belong to a menu, they belong to the taxonomy.

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