
Get raw node id value in views template without errors

be flag

I need to get the raw node id value in a views template, but the debug comments are interfering. Based on this issue I am using the following:

{{ row.columns.nid |render|striptags|trim }}

Which actually works, but I am also getting errors in the dblog relating the render method:

User error: "0" is an invalid render array key 
User error: "wrapper_element" is an invalid render array key
User error: "attributes" is an invalid render array key
User error: "default_classes" is an invalid render array key

Is there a better way to access the raw nid in a views template?

cn flag

I assume this is about a views table template, then this topic might help How to access raw data in twig template using views table format.

Otherwise you could simply use

{{ }}

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