
Allow user to control access to own content for other authenticated users

ro flag

I just want a field in a content type, so that when a user creates new content he/she can select whether that content can be viewed by other authenticated users or not. I prefer doing this with a selection field displaying 'hidden/visible' to other users and then set the actual access in a custom module using some hook.

This is what I tried so far in my custom module hook entity access with content type test_adgang and checking field_test_adgang, but no effect, meaning all authenticated users can still see, if field set to 'skjult' (hidden).


use Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult;

function import_functions_entity_access(\Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity, $operation, \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account) {
    if ($entity->bundle() == 'test_adgang') {
        if ($entity->field_test_adgang->value == 'skjult' && $operation == 'view' && in_array('godkendt bruger', $account->getRoles())) {
            return AccessResult::forbidden();
        } elseif ($entity->field_test_adgang->value == 'synlig' && $operation == 'view' && in_array('godkendt bruger', $account->getRoles())) {
            return AccessResult::allowed();


Kevin avatar
in flag
You aren't returning the result of your hook. That's one problem. Check the docs of the hook you are using.
drupalhorn avatar
ro flag
Thanks, return was missing, works now :-)
cn flag

The Rabbit Hole module allows you to specify if users can view the node. The first setting is for the content type, but there is a setting there to allow that to be set on a per node basis. You can look at using that module, or look at what they're doing to solve this.


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