
View injecting weird html elements (b element)

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I've noticed recently that, in a drupal website I'm maintaining, a view displaying a list of content type called Event, has some weird html elements injected. This messed up the layout and I'm not sure what caused it.

The element injected is <b data-stringify-type="bold">, which is placed inside the views-row element.

I'm wondering, is someone of you already encountered this? I haven't found a way to debug it.

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Things you can check: whether there are any Views theme templates affecting the view, the formatting settings for the field in the view, the field settings for the field of the content type being displayed in the view, and the input filter settings for that field.
No Sssweat avatar
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That is not part of core. So it's either custom code or contrib module. Might be getting added via template file, or preprocess hook, or javascript. The fastest way to find it would be perform a search in your Drupal code base for a particular string, using a command line tool like grep. `grep -r "data-stringify-type"`.
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I've tried both methods, but that particular string is not found anywhere.
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I've also tried to update modules that needed to be updated, but the issue remains.
No Sssweat avatar
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@DamianFox ok, try grep searching for just `"stringify"`. If still nothing, try checking the view's field settings, and see if there is anything in the re-write results [override field](
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What about a browser plugin?
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@NoSssweat I've tried `"stringify"` and I got no results. Also, the view's field settings didn't give any results. I had to adjust the styling in order to hide the issue from the web page. When I find a solution, I'll post it here.

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