
Drupal7 Views relationship multi value custom column

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Im using Drupal7 and views, views relationship

Im displaying the results in table format with the help of view along with other custom tables as well as by using views relationship.

I need a help in below issue:

I have a custom table: employee

Columns: nid, uid, role

nid uid role
100 4 manager
100 5 dept-manager
100 6 assistant
100 7 manager2

In the table format of the view, I need to display each user's mail-id for each node.


nid title manager assistant manager2
100 Helloworld [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
101 Newtodrupal [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Can you assist me to display my results like the above one?

I dont know how to create relationship based on multi-values in one column role in custom table.

Thanks in advance.


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