
Getting 403 randomly on files

ag flag

I have a react-native app that authenticates with Drupal via oAuth2 (simple_oauth, openidconnect) and do not use cookies. I use my access token for all rest calls, images and other files. Very randomly and consistently, the response for the files are html - the login form to be precise. Not all files but some of them and randomly. Sometime it works, sometimes it doesn't. If I logout and login again, it works for a few minutes and then it's gone after awhile. I do use a private file system. I've checked the directory permissions and they are all 755. I don't know what it is or how to resolve it.

Simple oauth settings:

Access token expiration time: 604800
Authorization code expiration time: 604800
Refresh token expiration time: 1209600


enter image description here

Downloading images on RN:

export const downloadImage = (_uri, _path, _extension, _access_token) => {
  const dirs = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs;
  const path = dirs.DocumentDir + '/' + _path + '.' + _extension;

  // send http request in a new thread (using native code)
  return RNFetchBlob.config({path: path}).fetch('GET', _uri, {
    Authorization: 'Bearer ' + _access_token,

I enabled ForensicLog on apache2 to monitor the headers too and here is the result:

GET /system/files/styles/crop_1_1/private/2021-10/image-2.jpg?h=75dde18b&itok=KTg7ozUt HTTP/1.1||Accept:*/*|Connection:keep-alive|Cookie:SESScd3de411e6a4fa7f7d3a2b14dd1164d2=q7cGe3QFrHDFCceeaP3etssZOPxl6nhWmngykV9zKJo9wAPn|If-Modified-Since:Fri, 29 Oct 2021 16%3a39%3a29 GMT|Accept-Language:en-us|Authorization:Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6ImUzZTZlNjNjZTI0OGEyYzYyNTUzNDRkYzg5NTk3N2NhOTZiNGI5YWQ0ZTIwYjRiNWVmODI4OTc4OWRhODI1MDQ3MjNhNzIzNmYwZmQxZmZjIn0.eyJhdWQiOiJhNDIyNTg1Ni0wM2Y1LTQzYTctODkzNS1hZDdhYTFiMjJhNmUiLCJqdGkiOiJlM2U2ZTYzY2UyNDhhMmM2MjU1MzQ0ZGM4OTU5NzdjYTk2YjRiOWFkNGUyMGI0YjVlZjgyODk3ODlkYTgyNTA0NzIzYTcyMzZmMGZkMWZmYyIsImlhdCI6MTYzNjQ2ODU1NiwibmJmIjoxNjM2NDY4NTU2LCJleHAiOjE2MzcwNzMzNTYsInN1YiI6IjE0NDM2Iiwic2NvcGVzIjpbImF1dGhlbnRpY2F0ZWQiXX0.rt4h-eeNyXlw5HoR6KvFnP5iujh4Wkg_evuqQcEn7lrJt0wE2b7N8nUoRgdBEa-JA4c5SD3Euok3QwIzXuzJYB3brXaztuXC_TE-BkrscA7HB5-4jQ5JYbQI6U9WkJPH2WPCDYbyrIQTF1d4lQ76A1-61xL2G7K9scaGJ-nAZskTRJjsx7PGjv8FcDR1crI6M3fE_nTwSDW5KbwVHv4Tt7549YKR7sIlIzUHZ6aU4FPwF0FDekkqv3qw-xYD4TyfnTAI9-70edkq2QjI4uwixgb9zrn7XNl9zxOX7deIdG_TQ7Rc0arfbr-1ZABQa9UW72HVeA5IKvjjBZB4VST4DQ|Accept-Encoding:gzip, deflate, br|User-Agent:MY%2520APP/41 CFNetwork/1237 Darwin/20.5.0
GET /user/login?destination=system/files/styles/crop_1_1/private/2021-10/image-2.jpg%253Fh%253D75dde18b%2526itok%253DKTg7ozUt HTTP/1.1||Accept:*/*|Cookie:SESScd3de411e6a4fa7f7d3a2b14dd1164d2=q7cGe3QFrHDFCceeaP3etssZOPxl6nhWmngykV9zKJo9wAPn|User-Agent:MY%2520APP/41 CFNetwork/1237 Darwin/20.5.0|Accept-Language:en-us|Accept-Encoding:gzip, deflate, br|Connection:keep-alive
cn flag
If you're getting the login form in a response, it is likely that you have requested a resource that requires authentication without providing proper authentication. Are you sure you are refreshing your token properly?
Abdul Sadik Yalcin avatar
ag flag
@PatrickKenny I'm requesting files directly. I am sure the token is fine. If it wasn't, all the API calls would return a 403. But I'm happy to test this.

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Most people don’t grasp that asking a lot of questions unlocks learning and improves interpersonal bonding. In Alison’s studies, for example, though people could accurately recall how many questions had been asked in their conversations, they didn’t intuit the link between questions and liking. Across four studies, in which participants were engaged in conversations themselves or read transcripts of others’ conversations, people tended not to realize that question asking would influence—or had influenced—the level of amity between the conversationalists.