
Toggle view displays on the same page

jp flag

There are 2 view displays (2 blocks) which are showing products, one with tile display, one with list display, as shown in the image below.

enter image description here

Is there a way to have both blocks on the same page, but toggle them with a button? Once the button is clicked, one block is hidden and the other one is shown. enter image description here

What would be the best way to achieve this? Is there a module that provides functionality about this?

ru flag
This feature is built into Drupal core, is called `Link to display` and can be added to header, footer, etc. in the views UI.
ru flag
Appendix, limitation: I think this feature only works with view pages, not with view blocks.
beltouche avatar
cn flag
There's not a "Drupal-specific" solution to this. You would need to place both blocks on the desired page and use custom Javascript and CSS to alternatively display each in the same position.
jp flag

I solved this by adding a session value that decides whether it should be a list view or a tile view, depending on this value, the class changes on the list and the appropriate styling is applied. It is 1 view display with a ui-patterns applied to it and in the twig there are 2 if-cases for the styling.


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