
How to add view filter programmatically using hook_views_pre_view()

gb flag

I want to add a simple filter to an existing view in Drupal 9. It appears that I can achieve this with hook_views_pre_view(). In every example I can find, including all the "Similar questions" links that come up when entering the title of this post, I see that $view->add_item() is used. See: Add views exposed filter programmatically

However, when I try to run this code:

function sbn_views_pre_view($view, $display_id, array $args) {
  if ($view->id() == 'draft_moderation_state') {
    // Get array of draft nids
    $state = 'draft';
    $results = sbn_get_all_nodes_in_moderation_state($state);

     // There is no draft_moderation_state filter so we have to add it
          'operator' => '=',
          'value' => '59',
          'group' => 1

I get this error:

Call to undefined method Drupal\views\ViewExecutable::add_item()

What is the command to add filter in hook_views_pre_view() in Drupal 9?

cn flag

$view->setHandler() worked for me. I think this should be equivalent to the code in your question:

$nid_filter = [
  'id' => 'nid',
  'table' => 'node_field_data',
  'field' => 'nid',
  'value' => ['value' => 59],
  'operator' => '=',
$view->setHandler($view->current_display, 'filter', 'nid', $nid_filter);

gb flag

I would still like to know how to add a filter using hook_views_pre_view(), but I solved my bigger problem (programmatically filtering an existing view) using


function sbn_views_query_alter($view, $query) {
   if ($view->id() == 'draft_moderation_state') {    
      $field = 'node_field_data.nid';
      // Get array of draft nids
      $state = 'draft';
      $value = sbn_get_all_nodes_in_moderation_state($state);
      $operator = 'IN';
      $query->where[1]['conditions'][] = [
        "field"    => $field,
        "value"    => $value,
        "operator" => $operator,
um flag

$view->add_item(...) is Drupal 7

It's Drupal 7 vs Drupal 9 issue:

it would be helpful if users of this forum would put a version of Drupal when they post questions.

SomebodySysop avatar
gb flag
My bad. What is the command to add filter in hook_views_pre_view() in Drupal 9?

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