
How to add class to multiple view-blocks using twig?

br flag

I have four blocks to a view. I want to add class 'fancy-body' to all four blocks. How can I add that.

view_id : categories

display_id's of blocks : block_1, block_2, block_3, block_4

I know, I can add classes by creating individual twig template file for each block. like this,


Is it possible to achieve in single twig template file? How can I achieve that?

Need Help, Thank You!

Akshay avatar
us flag
What if you add the class to all the block displays in the view manually in Advanced section? Are you going to create a twig file simply to add classes?
Steve Siddu avatar
br flag
I want to manipulate the structure of all the blocks of a particular view.
Akshay avatar
us flag
Ok. Then you will need to create a twig file to modify HTML structure. Please modify your question, as it indicates only to add a class.
cn flag

If it's just classes you need, the modules mentioned in Joseph's answer should be enough.

If you need to make more alterations and definitely need a custom template file, you can implement hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK().

Something like:

function module_theme_suggestions_block(array $variables) {
  $suggestions = [];

  if ($variables['elements']['#base_plugin_id'] == 'views_block') {
    if (preg_match('/views_block:categories-block_[0-9]+/', $variables['elements']['#plugin_id'])) {
      $suggestions[] = 'block__views_block__categories_all_blocks';

  return $suggestions;

With the above example your single template file would be named block--views-block--categories-all-blocks.html.twig.

Steve Siddu avatar
br flag
what should be the function name, if module name is "XYZ", Is `XYZ_theme_suggestions_block()` right?
cn flag
Yes that's right
Steve Siddu avatar
br flag
the classes and id's that are added in `block--views-block--categories-all-blocks.html.twig` are reflecting in drupal site. can you tell me where exactly, In what file or In what folder I need to add that code. I added that file in `XYZ.module` file. thannk you !
Steve Siddu avatar
br flag
Is everything should be same or need to be changed? like what is `#base_plugin_id` and `#plugin_id`
cn flag
You shouldn't need to change anything, it matches the view id and display id from the template files in the question
in flag

There are several modules that allow you to add classes to blocks via admin, depending on where you're adding the blocks:

The Layout Builder Component Attributes module allows editors to add HTML attributes to Layout Builder components (blocks). Attributes can be added to 1) the block (outer) element, 2) the block title, and 3) the block content (inner) element.

Block Classes allows users to add classes to block title, content, and wrapper of any block through the block's configuration interface. This module extends the Block Class module features.


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