
What is the stable9 theme? When should I use it instead of stable?

um flag

Has this cryptic statement:

However, defaulting to base theme: stable prevents automatic updates to the next major version of Drupal, since each major version may have a different version of "the stable theme"

and proceeds to list these without any explanation.

The READMEs in the relevant directories are no help.

Warning: Themes that opt out of using Stable as a base theme will need continuous maintenance as core changes, so only opt out if you are prepared to keep track of those changes and how they affect your theme.

Warning: Themes that decide to not use Stable 9 as a base theme will need continuous maintenance as core changes, so only opt out if you are prepared to keep track of those changes and how they affect your theme.

I have a Drupal 8 theme, I am upgrading to Drupal 9 should I specify stable or stable9? This is really confusing.

cn flag

My theme is extending Drupal 8 Stable, what should I do?

Upgrading to a Stable 9 can be a tedious task. Therefore, we have decided to continue to support previous versions of Stable. Drupal 8 Stable will be shipped in Drupal 9 along Stable 9. Drupal 8 Stable will be deprecated during the Drupal 9 lifecycle to be removed in Drupal 10 so that the theme can be moved into a contrib project.

Smartsheet eng avatar
um flag
_facepalm_ Opening `` finds `description: A default base theme using Drupal 8.0.0's core markup and CSS.` Why on earth was this not named **stable8** ?
apaderno avatar
us flag
They kept the old machine name because that theme is deprecated in Drupal 9. It would not make sense to change its machine name, which would not be a BC change, and then deprecate the theme.
jp flag

If you want to use it you have to enable the theme before using it.

e.g. drush theme:enable stable9

From the .info

description: A base theme using Drupal 9.0.0's core markup and CSS.

So in other words all the new markup in html plus the old markup, css etc in d9+


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