
How can I show tax per line item at checkout?

jp flag

In D7, there was a module named 'Commerce price by components' which allowed us to display a price inclusive or exclusive of tax. I would like to show a detailed tax breakdown at checkout as most of my store's products are tax exempt, but some are not.

Is it possible in D8 to show the a price inclusive and exclusive of tax as two columns in the checkout summary / review table? Or is it possible to show only the tax that is being added?

No Sssweat avatar
ua flag
Go to URL of `/admin/commerce/config/stores` and edit your store. Checkmark *Display taxes of this type inclusive in product prices.* and save settings.
griz avatar
jp flag
This is definitely not the answer! I'm asking about displaying _only_ the tax component of a price; in this case, in a column in the order summary.

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