
Using webform module without storing the submissions

za flag

On the youtube tutorial Emailing & handling submissions from jrockowitz, the main maintainer of the webform module, he said at 7:13 that webform can be used without storing the submissions. For GPDR concerns, I would need to use the form only to send an email with the datas to an external service

How can I set that ?

cn flag
Isn’t that just a checkbox under the settings somewhere for each webform?
Matoeil avatar
za flag
@clive genial.It is indeed in the general tab. could not find it with all that many options
Matoeil avatar
za flag
@clive there is a problem though, the uploaded files are stored !?
leymannx avatar
ne flag
The files would then be deleted automatically by garbage collection on cron runs, did you check that?
Matoeil avatar
za flag
they are indeed deleted after 6h. If submissions are configured not to be stored , i would expect the uploaded files not being stored either. It is a problem in my use case where i have made the uploaded files public so they can be accessible by a external service. I would need to suprress them straight after an email has been sent

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