
How can I remove the configuration side panel?

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I have two drupal websites (running on Drupal 9.2.10). Both of them use modules:

  • Layout builder
  • Layout Builder Asymmetric Translation

Both websites have same configuration (and I don't do any theme overrides using hooks in my modules / themes):

  • Layout builder enabled for content type "Basic page"
  • Checked checkbox (on "Manage form display" tab on each entity) to automatically copy Layout from original language to newly created translation (this option is provided by Asymmetric Translation module)

My pages are build using my custom blocks, those can be placed into sections.

The problem is, when editing specific node on website A using Layout Builder, when I click on "Configure" button next to specific block, it opens Block's edit form in "settings tray" (in sidebar). On website B when I do the same action, it opens default Block's edit form (same as when I edit blocks in "My custom blocks library").

I've checked for modules configuration but could not find any differences. Only thing I have noticed is that the "Configure" button which is used to edit block on layout page has use-ajax class on website A, but not on website B.

Is there some setting I'm missing? I would like to get rid of sidepanel for editing blocks content, because with my theme (based on Drupal/radix) it seems to be broken (issues with css).


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