
Form with two submission buttons

th flag

I try to create a form with two submit buttons and each button will use a different function: the default submitForm function and a custom submitFormEndSession function. So I have this code:

class EndSessionForm extends FormBase {

   * @var \Drupal
  private $drupal;

  public function __construct() {
    $this->drupal = new Drupal();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getFormId(): string {
    return 'end_session_form';

  public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state): array {

    // ... some fields

    $form['submit'] = [
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => 'Close the session',
      '#name' => 'btnEnd',

    $form['stop'] = [
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => 'Stop the session',
      '#name' => 'btnStop',

    return $form;

  public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    // Function to call with the btnEnd button

  public function submitStopForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    // Function to call with the btnStop button

According to the documentation of Drupal 9.2.x, the only thing I had to do is add a #submit parameter to the $form['stop'] element like this:

$form['stop'] = [
  '#type' => 'submit',
  '#value' => 'Stop the session',
  '#name' => 'btnStop',
  '#submit' => [ $this, 'submitStopForm' ] // link to the second submit function

But it doesn't work.

After many tries and researches, I've found a partial solution by adding this in buildForm:

$form['#submit'][] = [$this, 'submitStopForm'];

The two buttons are now linked to submitForm and submitStopForm, no matter if I put a #submit parameter on the buttons or not, submitStopForm is executed first then submitForm. But I'm wonder how I can link the first button to submitForm and the second one to submitStopForm properly and without enter in both functions when we click on one button.

Thanks and have a nice day!

berliner avatar
bd flag
Hi and welcome to Drupal Answers! I have a comment that is not directly related to your question: Your constructor looks very strange. You don't usually need a constructor for form classes if you don't want to inject services. And I have never seen `new Drupal()` anywhere inside custom code. May I ask where you got that from and why you use that?
Auraylien avatar
th flag
Hi @berlinern, this code isn't my proper code, so I can't explain the `$this->Drupal = new Drupal()` instruction. When we got this project, it was on Drupal 8 and we made several updates to the latest Drupal version, so maybe it's deprecated code. I removed it (and the constructor too) and nothing change.
berliner avatar
bd flag
No change was expected actually ;) Did you try the other notation from the documentation that you linked to? `'::methodName'` just in case.
Auraylien avatar
th flag
Yes, I already tried this but it does not working too :(
berliner avatar
bd flag
Can you post your full real code for the content of your submit functions (or a minimal example that reproduces your problem)? There is something odd there. All submit functions set in `$form['#submit']` should be called, not only the first one.
Auraylien avatar
th flag
That was a mistake from me: I wrote `die()` in both with a comment for testing which function I could reach. So, I reach first `submitStopForm` then `submitForm`. But what I wanted is to reach immediatly `submitStopForm` or `submitForm`, depend of the button, and putting `#submit => [$this, 'submitStopForm']` under a button parameters not works
berliner avatar
bd flag
Please update your question accordingly. That will increase your chances of getting an answer.
Kevin avatar
in flag
Yes, please add the _actual_ code being used.
cn flag

I think you have to wrap the sumbit callback in another array, if you are using that callable notation. So either:

$form['stop'] = [
  '#type' => 'submit',
  '#value' => 'Stop the session',
  '#name' => 'btnStop',
  '#submit' => [ [$this, 'submitStopForm'] ] // Array of callables (which are arrays)

or this

$form['stop'] = [
  '#type' => 'submit',
  '#value' => 'Stop the session',
  '#name' => 'btnStop',
  '#submit' => [ 'submitStopForm' ] //Array of submit functions

You can also get the element that triggered the action from inside the submit function, but i tend to think the previous solution is better.

public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { 
    $submitButton = $form_state->getTriggeringElement(); 

Auraylien avatar
th flag
Thanks for your response. `'#submit => [ [ $this, 'submitStop' ] ]` works, but only if I put the `#submit` parameter on the first button. Write it on the second button has nos effect. And put it on the first button change the handler for both buttons. And if I use your second solution, both buttons has the same trigger element, I don't understand why

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