I figure out the resizer plugin works if the image has the following attributes:
So what I did, I create a batch process and go through all the content and find the image, then based on the image I load their uuid
and file replaced it.
something like the following code may helps people which have similar requirement:
if (preg_match_all('~<img.*?src=["\']+(.*?)["\']+~', $node->body->value, $matches)) {
$URIS = array_unique($matches[1]);
foreach ($URIS as $imgUri) {
$imgUriDecoded = urldecode($imgUri);
$node->body->value = str_replace($imgUri, $imgUriDecoded, $node->body->value);
$fileData = self::getFileDataByUrl($imgUriDecoded);
$fileUuid = "xxx-just-for-resize";
if ($fileData) {
$fileUuid = $fileData->get('uuid')->value ?? "xxx-just-for-resize";
// skip Danger.jpg
if ($fileUuid == "4f6db862-2c5d-4fb1-8d5b-830b89514af4") {
$replacement = sprintf('<img data-entity-type="file" data-entity-uuid="%s"', $fileUuid);
$node->body->value = str_replace("<img ", $replacement, $node->body->value);
The following file helps to get file by fileURI:
static function getFileDataByUrl($fileURI) {
$file_name = \Drupal::service('file_system')->basename($fileURI);
$target_file = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
->loadByProperties(['filename' => $file_name]);
$file_data = reset($target_file);
if ($file_data) {
return ($file_data);
else {
return FALSE;