
Search and Replace URL in database?

us flag

I need to move a Drupal 9 website to a different server and a lot of links have the old server URL. Normally for Word Press I use this tool -

You upload that to the server and it runs a script to search for your string and replace it with the new string.

I tried to do a regular search and replace in VS Code with -

Search // Replace with //

It found all the // but after I imported the database there are still some links that do not redirect to the new url, one of these is /user. If I go to it redirects to

Is there a way to do a search and replace on the database to replace the old URL?

4uk4 avatar
cn flag
/user redirects to different internal routes depending on the logged-in state. Routes are not site specific and a cache clear should remove any cached redirects.
jfc avatar
us flag
How can I clear the cache if I can't log in?
4uk4 avatar
cn flag
Alfred Armstrong avatar
cn flag
Don't replace the old URLs by new absolute ones, replace them by relative URLs and you won't have to go through this again.
se flag

You can use HeidiSQL utility Select search -> Replace text ...

enter image description here


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