Any idea how I could to use my own custom module twig file to theme my table?
I'm using drupal/examples -> content_entity_example as a starting point:
in content_entity_example.module implementing hook_theme I would like to return all fields like:
* @file
* Contains Drupal\content_entity_example\content_entity_example.module.
* @defgroup content_entity_example Example: Content Entity
* @ingroup examples
* @{
* Implement a content entity.
* This module demonstrates implementing a content entity.
* Entity API is the API that stores pieces of content and configuration for
* Drupal core. For instance, if you've encountered node content types, you've
* encountered entities of type 'node.'
* This example implements the Entity API so that we have an entity type usable
* by the user which you might think of as specialized nodes, but which are
* different from nodes. These entities are called Contact, and are known
* internally by the machine name content_entity_example_contact.
* Contact is a fieldable content entity used to hold structured information
* without the overhead of using a node content type. 'Fieldable' means you can
* attach fields to it, like you can with nodes. It is defined programmatically
* (completely in code). We will show the main techniques to handle and expose
* the contents of this entity type.
* The Contact entity will demonstrate the main tasks for an entity:
* - define
* - save
* - load
* - view
* - edit
* - delete
* - control access
* Where ever possible, we use the amazing tools built into D8 natively.
* @see Drupal\content_entity_example\Entity\Contact
* @see config_entity_example
* }
* Implements hook_theme(). Register a module or theme's theme implementations.
function content_entity_example_theme() {
return [
'content_entity_example_table' => [
'variables' => [
'header' => NULL,
'rows' => NULL,
'footer' => NULL,
'attributes' => [],
'caption' => NULL,
'colgroups' => [],
'sticky' => FALSE,
'responsive' => TRUE,
'empty' => ''
And in src/Entity/Controller/ContactListBuilder.php I would like to pickup my template ( '#template' ...)
So I would like to tell render() to user my template
* {@inheritdoc}
* We override ::render() so that we can add our own content above the table.
* parent::render() is where EntityListBuilder creates the table using our
* buildHeader() and buildRow() implementations.
public function render() {
$build['description'] = [
'#markup' => $this->t('Content Entity Example implements a Contacts model. These contacts are fieldable entities. You can manage the fields on the <a href="@adminlink">Contacts admin page</a>.', [
'@adminlink' => $this->urlGenerator->generateFromRoute('content_entity_example.contact_settings'),
$build['table'] = parent::render();
// TODO add template reference
return $build;
and as such use my template file in /templates/content-entity-example.html.twig
which is going to be changed in a later phase. (just need to get it loaded)
* @file
* Theme override to display a table.
* Available variables:
* - attributes: HTML attributes to apply to the <table> tag.
* - caption: A localized string for the <caption> tag.
* - colgroups: Column groups. Each group contains the following properties:
* - attributes: HTML attributes to apply to the <col> tag.
* Note: Drupal currently supports only one table header row, see
* and
* - header: Table header cells. Each cell contains the following properties:
* - tag: The HTML tag name to use; either 'th' or 'td'.
* - attributes: HTML attributes to apply to the tag.
* - content: A localized string for the title of the column.
* - field: Field name (required for column sorting).
* - sort: Default sort order for this column ("asc" or "desc").
* - sticky: A flag indicating whether to use a "sticky" table header.
* - rows: Table rows. Each row contains the following properties:
* - attributes: HTML attributes to apply to the <tr> tag.
* - data: Table cells.
* - no_striping: A flag indicating that the row should receive no
* 'even / odd' styling. Defaults to FALSE.
* - cells: Table cells of the row. Each cell contains the following keys:
* - tag: The HTML tag name to use; either 'th' or 'td'.
* - attributes: Any HTML attributes, such as "colspan", to apply to the
* table cell.
* - content: The string to display in the table cell.
* - active_table_sort: A boolean indicating whether the cell is the active
table sort.
* - footer: Table footer rows, in the same format as the rows variable.
* - empty: The message to display in an extra row if table does not have
* any rows.
* - no_striping: A boolean indicating that the row should receive no striping.
* - header_columns: The number of columns in the header.
* @see template_preprocess_table()
<table{{ attributes }}>
{% if caption %}
<caption>{{ caption }}</caption>
{% endif %}
{% for colgroup in colgroups %}
{% if colgroup.cols %}
<colgroup{{ colgroup.attributes }}>
{% for col in colgroup.cols %}
<col{{ col.attributes }} />
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<colgroup{{ colgroup.attributes }} />
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if header %}
{% for cell in header %}
set cell_classes = [
cell.active_table_sort ? 'is-active',
<{{ cell.tag }}{{ cell.attributes.addClass(cell_classes) }}>
{{- cell.content -}}
</{{ cell.tag }}>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if rows %}
{% for row in rows %}
set row_classes = [
not no_striping ? cycle(['odd', 'even'], loop.index0),
<tr{{ row.attributes.addClass(row_classes) }}>
{% for cell in row.cells %}
<{{ cell.tag }}{{ cell.attributes }}>
{{- cell.content -}}
</{{ cell.tag }}>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% elseif empty %}
<tr class="odd">
<td colspan="{{ header_columns }}" class="empty message">{{ empty }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% if footer %}
{% for row in footer %}
<tr{{ row.attributes }}>
{% for cell in row.cells %}
<{{ cell.tag }}{{ cell.attributes }}>
{{- cell.content -}}
</{{ cell.tag }}>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
content_entity_example works great but I can't load my own template.