
I'm writing a node migration (D7 to D9) module but only the title gets migrated

in flag

How can I get the body migrated as well? When I compared this with other working migrations, there didn't seem to be any differences in the code/anything wrong with mine. I also looked for alternative process plugins but "sub_processes" seems to be working for everyone else just fine.

label: Generic - Node
migration_group: edweb_gen
  - 'edweb_generic'

  plugin: d7_node
  key: migrate
  node_type: generic

  nid: tnid
  vid: vid
  title: title
  uid: node_uid
  status: status
  created: created
    plugin: sub_process
    source: body
      value: value
      summary: summary
        plugin: static_map
        bypass: true
        source: format
        # format - 'destination': source
          'plain_text': basic_html
          'basic_tags': basic_html
          'minimal_formatting': basic_html
          'filtered_html': basic_html
          'extended_tags': full_html
          'full_html': full_html
          'uoe_text_format': full_html

  plugin: 'entity:node'
  default_bundle: generic_content
miststudent2011 avatar
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Does this answer your question? [How migrate rich text fields from outside Drupal without converting html tags to entities](
Karolina Lencina avatar
in flag
This does not really work for me either. I'm guessing that is because the person asking is migrating from a non-Drupal (csv) source and is using an additional module but thanks anyways!
Kevin avatar
in flag
Is source really "body"?

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