
Render two taxonomy fields in one alphabetical list

jp flag

I have two term reference fields: colours and tags.

I have a poppy, it has tags: pretty and colours: red, green.

I want html like:

This flower is: green, pretty, red


  • I want to take the terms from two fields and merge them into one collection.

I tried in Twig:

I started in twig. I could combine the terms but I couldn't sort them.

{% set alltags = content.field_tags['items']|merge(content.field_colours['items']|keys|map(i => content.field_colours[i])) %} 
{{ alltags }}

I tried in pre process

I then moved to PHP in a mytheme_preprocess_node() function. I thought I could sneak a few of the colours terms in under the tags field... It seemed to add them to the object OK, but none of the colour ones were output.

/** @var Drupal\Core\Field\EntityReferenceFieldItemList */
$coloursTags = $variables['content']['field_colours']['#items'] ?? NULL;
if ($coloursTags && $coloursTags->count()) {
  $tags = $variables['content']['field_tags']['#items'];
  foreach ($coloursTags as $item) {
    /** @var Drupal\Core\Field\Plugin\Field\FieldType\EntityReferenceItem $item */

I have since found a couple of ways that work, which I'll post in an answer so as to attract better answers than mine!

jp flag

I found a couple of ways to achieve it, posting here, but I'm open to better/cleaner ways. I'm especially unhappy in my answers with the way to access the tag name - seems so overly complicated trying to get the raw name?!

Both code blocks live in a mytheme_preprocess_node():

Answer 1: create a new variable with all the tags in it:


  $allTags = [];
  $addTags = function($fieldName) use (&$allTags, $variables) {
    if (isset($variables['content'][$fieldName])) {
      foreach (\Drupal\Core\Render\Element::children($variables['content'][$fieldName]) as $i) {
        $allTags[]= $variables['content'][$fieldName][$i];
  usort($allTags, function ($a, $b) {
    $tagA = $a['#taxonomy_term']->name->getValue()[0]['value'];
    $tagB = $b['#taxonomy_term']->name->getValue()[0]['value'];
    return strcasecmp($tagA, $tagB);
  $variables['content']['allTags'] = $allTags;

Then in Twig for the node template: {{ allTags }}.

Answer 2: mix the tags from the colour field into the tags field in the render array


  $allTagsTemp = [];
  foreach (\Drupal\Core\Render\Element::children($variables['content']['field_tags']) as $i) {
    $tag = $variables['content']['field_tags'][$i];
    $allTagsTemp[] = $tag;
  foreach (\Drupal\Core\Render\Element::children($variables['content']['field_colours']) as $i) {
    $tag = $variables['content']['field_colours'][$i];
    $allTagsTemp[] = $tag;
  usort($allTagsTemp, function ($a, $b) {
    $tagA = $a['#taxonomy_term']->name->getValue()[0]['value'];
    $tagB = $b['#taxonomy_term']->name->getValue()[0]['value'];
    return strcasecmp($tagA, $tagB);
  $variables['content']['field_tags'] += $allTagsTemp;

Then in Twig {{ field_tags }}.

cn flag
`$a['#taxonomy_term']->name->getValue()[0]['value']` can be shortened to `$a['#taxonomy_term']->label()`
jp flag
@Clive thank you, I thought there must be a short cut!!

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