
Dynamic language links from menu?

in flag

I am trying to find a way to do the following:

  • Add languages to Drupal 9 menu items
  • Translate content/menu links
  • Provide (from the Main Navigation) a list of languages the current page is translated in

I was able to complete the first two, but I cannot see how to get a menu to list links that output the available language options for the current entity. I see that there is a Language Switcher block from core, but is there a way to make this appear baked into a Drupal menu itself?

enter image description here

cn flag
I don't think this has been fully solved in core yet, there are modules to help like,,
Kevin avatar
in flag
Hmmm... there must be a way to mimic this. I'll take a look around
4uk4 avatar
cn flag
For a code solution you would need a dynamic menu link plugin pointing at the current node derived for each language. Like this example for local tasks
Kevin avatar
in flag
I see - that would work even if its not a local task? Like how would you get it appended to "Main Navigation"?
cn flag

You put the static infos in * where you also define dynamic menu link plugins, which provide the infos you can't put in a static yml. And the deriver to produce a plugin for each language. The local task example was just an example for the translation stuff.

A working static example:
  title: 'EN'
  menu_name: main
  route_name: '<none>'
  expanded: true
  # Plugin class to override the title dynamically:
  # class: Drupal\mymodule\Plugin\Menu\TranslatedNodeTop
  title: 'Node 8 spanish'
  route_name: entity.node.canonical
  route_parameters: { node: '8' }
  menu_name: main
        - foo-class
        - bar-class
  # deriver for installed languages
  deriver: Drupal\mymodule\Plugin\Derivative\TranslatedNodeTabDeriver
  # Plugin class extending MenuLinkDefault overriding static properties dynamically,
  # the route parameter from the current route match, the language from the deriver
  # the title from both and link attributes added for the current language:
  # class: Drupal\mymodule\Plugin\Menu\TranslatedNodeItem

You need to add the two dynamic plugins extending MenuLinkDefault. I've recycled the TranslatedNodeTabDeriver from How to get links of translated node edit page in the secondary tabs.


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