
"There have been more than 5 failed login attempts for this account. It is temporarily blocked." and the flood table is empty

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When I try to log in as an admin user, I am getting the following error:

There have been more than 5 failed login attempts for this account. It is temporarily blocked. Try again later or request a new password.

This answer explains that this can usually be cleared up by truncating the flood table in the database.

However, when I checked my flood table in the database with PHPMyAdmin, it was empty.

I did some further troubleshooting:

  • I can log in as other users, just not the suspended user.
  • I am viewing the correct database; when I registered a new user, I could see the new user's data in the database.

The user in question is an admin user account that I use to log in with for behat tests; the behat tests failed on my cloud site, so I pulled the database into my local dev environment (lando) and am now trying to give myself access to that admin account.

4uk4 avatar
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What you are telling seems to impossible, unless you have more than one database. For example a second in-memory database like Redis.
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@4k4 Good catch, redis was at fault here. Feel free to add an answer and I will accept.
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When you have installed Redis the database content for caching, flooding, locking and queuing will be stored in the in-memory database and you have to look there to find this data.


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