
How to find all nodes that have no translation for specific language?

in flag

I am looking for a programmatic way to find all nodes of language en that have no translation for language XY. Is there even a way to do that without raw sql? I tried using entityQuery but I cant get the negative condition get to work...

4uk4 avatar
cn flag
It's hard to query something which doesn't exists. I would array_diff() two queries.
Alex avatar
in flag
@4uk4 i just got the same idea - thanks :)
ru flag
Entity query can't do this, but SQL / DBquery can do it, either with a sub query `...where id not in (...subquery)...` or by outer-joining the node table on itself (then you can filter on the joined nid being null). But I wouldn't go the SQL route unless you are querying _really huge_ numbers of nodes.

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