
How to configure trusted hosting pattern for Docker containers

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From Drupal 8, if my running Docker project for Drupal is loading in my browser at...


what should I put in my sites/default/settings.php file to approve the trusted_host_patterns settings?

I have tried sooooo many things, including this simple one...

$settings['trusted_host_patterns'] = array(

But no luck on getting the trusted host pattern approved. Please help.

Here is a visual of my issue:

enter image description here

Kevin avatar
in flag
Is this the right settings file? It's not in like a local site folder?
klewis avatar
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when you say a "local site folder", do you mean like a Docker volume location on my Drupal project? The project is running locally on my computer through a Docker container. Its not live on the web.
Kevin avatar
in flag
klewis avatar
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using sites/default/settings.php
klewis avatar
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It would be awesome if we could debug what the attempted settings value is, not just a see a message that says "not enabled". I feel that would solve a lot of headache.
id flag
How did you determine that `trusted_host_patterns` is the issue?
klewis avatar
de flag
I updated my post
leymannx avatar
ne flag
You don't really need this for local development. But the only things I can think of is: Flush cache. And: The file where you've set this is never included or at some later point there's an empty `$settings['trusted_host_patterns']` set again. And: Some server-side caching enabled maybe.
klewis avatar
de flag
@leymannx many thanks on all the tips provided. I will role with that for now and assume all the above.

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