
How can I encrypt user-submitted content per user for a content type?

cn flag

Let's say I have a website where people keep a personal diary (diary content type). I have configured permissions so that each user can only read, write, and view his/her own diary.

Users can create and submit several different content types on the site; only the diary content type needs to be private.

I would like to encrypt diaries per user, ideally by tying the encryption to the user's name and password.

I surveyed the encryption modules available for Drupal, and here are the only ones with 300+ installs:

  • Encrypt: makes use of Real AES module and the Key module
  • Encryption: simpler to configure than Encrypt, single module
  • Dbee, which encrypts just the email addresses in the database--nifty

In addition, there is the Pubkey Encrypt module, which is an abandoned Drupal 8 module that allows encryption of data per user role.

So, to get encryption per user, I guess I would have to write this myself.

How can I encrypt content per user for a specific content type?

If this is really hard to do, I would also like to hear an answer that simply explains why this problem is harder than I think it is.

Stef Van Looveren avatar
cn flag
There is actually a talk on this topic on the Drupal developer days: (livestream should be available in a few days)
ph flag

The problem here isn't the encryption itself, it's easy enough to symmetrically encrypt some data before saving it to the database, it's the decryption.

In order to decrypt the data you need the key, which means you need to keep the user's password somewhere in plain text, or ask them for their password every time they want to see their "diary". Or you could decrypt it on login and leave it decrypted for the session somehow.

The other issue here is that it's not true end to end encryption. At some point in the process you will know the user's key unless you do the encryption on their computer.


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