Can anyone please let me know how to extend existing drush command class.
I am writing a custom module which provides custom content entity and created a devel generate plugin similar to ContentDevelGenerate.
It is working as expected to generate dummy content from UI . I would like to create a drush command as well for the devel generator plugin. Similar to DevelGenerateCommands content method I would like to add additional method to generate my custom content entity.
My drush command class as follows :
namespace Drupal\omdb_api\Commands;
use Drupal\devel_generate\Commands\DevelGenerateCommands;
* Class to create omdb api entity drush commands.
class OmdbApiEntityDevelGenerateCommands extends DevelGenerateCommands {
* Create omdb api entity items by drush command.
* @command devel-generate:omdb-api
* @aliases dgen:omdb-api, devel-generate-omdb-api
* @pluginId omdb_api_entity_devel_generate
* @validate-module-enabled omdb_api
* @param int $num
* Number of omdb api entity items to generate.
* @param array $options
* Array of options as described below.
* @option kill Delete all omdb api entity items before generating new omdb api entity.
* @option feedback An integer representing interval for insertion rate logging.
* @option skip-fields A comma delimited list of fields to omit when generating random values.
* @option languages A comma-separated list of language codes
public function omdbApiEntities($num = 50, array $options = ['kill' => FALSE, 'feedback' => 1000]) {
* Wrapper for calling the plugin instance generate function.
public function generate() {
$instance = $this->getPluginInstance();
OmdbApiEntityDevelGenerateCommands If i paste this method directly in DevelGenerateCommands class, command is working as expected. So it seems I am missing something to extend the DevelGenerateCommands class.
class: \Drupal\omdb_api\Commands\OmdbApiEntityDevelGenerateCommands
- { name: develgenerate.command }