I cant seem to find the correct event that is called when an admin manually creates an order item by clicking the 'Add new order item' button at: /admin/commerce/orders/430/edit
I believe it should be one of the events listed here:
ORDER_ITEM_CREATE seems like the one i need, but its not triggered when adding the order item or when clicking the Save button for the whole order, nor is OREDER_ITEM_PRESAVE or ORDER_ITEM_INSERT triggered.
To test if its triggered I'm simply dumping the $event variable and exiting the script.
I have code running in ORDER_ITEM_DELETE in the same event subscriber, which does work.
Can anyone confirm for sure that one of these events should definitely be triggered when adding an order line item manually from orders admin page?
EDIT: from my testing, the only event from https://github.com/drupalcommerce/commerce/blob/8.x-2.x/modules/order/src/Event/OrderEvents.php that actually works is ORDER_ITEM_DELETE. None of the other events are triggered no matter what action is carried out on the order item. I can edit, change, add new items, save the order etc and none of these events are ever triggered, except for ORDER_ITEM_DELETE.
Am I missing something or is the documentation incorrect?