
drush not finding correct multisite settings.php

in flag

I have a Drupal 9 site using multisite to support both local and production hosts. I have defined them in sites/sites.php:

$sites[''] = '';
$sites[''] = '';

and created settings files in


Using xdebug, I've verified when opening the two web sites that the correct settings.php is used. But when I try to run drush 11, it is using settings from sites/default/settings.php for some reason:

% drush cr -v                            
 [info] Starting bootstrap to site
 [info] Drush bootstrap phase 2
 [info] Try to validate bootstrap phase 2
 [info] Try to validate bootstrap phase 2
 [info] Try to bootstrap at phase 2
 [info] Drush bootstrap phase: bootstrapDrupalRoot()
 [info] Change working directory to /Users/pglatz/dev/electronovelty/en9-www/web
 [info] Initialized Drupal 9.3.12 root directory at /Users/pglatz/dev/electronovelty/en9-www/web
 [info] Try to validate bootstrap phase 2
 [info] Try to bootstrap at phase 2
 [info] Drush bootstrap phase: bootstrapDrupalSite()
 [info] Initialized Drupal site default at sites/default
 [success] Cache rebuild complete.

I tried specifying the uri, and it finds the correct settings.php, but I'm also getting a "command nt found" error, which I do not understand:

% drush -l -v cr
 [info] Starting bootstrap to site
 [info] Drush bootstrap phase 2
 [info] Try to validate bootstrap phase 2
 [info] Try to validate bootstrap phase 2
 [info] Try to bootstrap at phase 2
 [info] Drush bootstrap phase: bootstrapDrupalRoot()
 [info] Change working directory to /Users/pglatz/dev/electronovelty/en9-www/web
 [info] Initialized Drupal 9.3.12 root directory at /Users/pglatz/dev/electronovelty/en9-www/web
 [info] Try to validate bootstrap phase 2
 [info] Try to bootstrap at phase 2
 [info] Drush bootstrap phase: bootstrapDrupalSite()
 [info] Initialized Drupal site at sites/
sh: ^$: command not found
 [success] Cache rebuild complete.

Where is that error coming from, and what does it mean?

cn flag
Could be a shell expansion issue - try putting the URL in quotes
id flag
+1 you have to escape or quote certain characters in certain shells, notably '-'.
pglatz avatar
in flag
Thanks for the suggestions. I tried double and single quotes on the url in the command line, also tried escaping the - but have the same issue. Also tried --uri= instead of -w. So this is a shell issue, from the command line, rather than something internal to drush? I'm own a Mac, using zsh, but I get a similar error on my remote using ubuntu and bash.
de flag

You have two options to handle this:

  1. Use the -l flag with your drush command: drush -l cr

  2. Create a drush alias, and call the alias. To create aliases, you can create the file /drush/sites/, and put the following contents:


    You can then use the aliases:

     drush @site1 cr
     drush @site2 cr

    And the relevant multisite will be called.

pglatz avatar
in flag
Thanks. I did try `-l `in my second example. I just created a site alias and am still getting the `sh: ^$: command not found` warning.
Jaypan avatar
de flag
Seems weird that you are getting a shell error for a drush command. Are you running this in a shell script?
Jaypan avatar
de flag
Anyways, if you are getting this error, it means you've introduced a bug somewhere into your system with some contributed or custom code. The suggestions I gave work in a default Drupal mutlisite with Drush 11, so if you are getting an error, it's specific to your system.
pglatz avatar
in flag
thanks, I'll investigate some more

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