
Disable a field if another field is disabled

lb flag

I need to disable field A if field B is disabled too. Actually, my current field A has the following #states (altered using hook_alter_form) to disable it if field B or field C are empty:

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
function my_module_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
  $form['field_a']['#states'] = [
    'disabled' => [
      [':input[name="field_b[0][value][date]"]' => ['empty' => TRUE]],
      [':input[name="field_c[0][value][date]"]' => ['empty' => TRUE]],

And it works perfectly, but I need to add the condition mentioned before. I found this in the official documentation: and I tried to use some of them like 'readonly' or 'readwrite' but this didn't work. Can I evaluate properties like '#disabled' from here? something similar to this:

function my_module_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {

  $form['field_a']['#states'] = [
    'disabled' => [
      [':input[name="field_b[0][value][date]"]' => ['empty' => TRUE]],
      [':input[name="field_c[0][value][date]"]' => ['empty' => TRUE]],
      [':input[name="field_b"]' => ['#disabled' => TRUE]],
in flag
You might want to check out the [Conditional Fields module]( It might cover your needs.
cn flag

You can't do this with states here is what the docs says

The following states may be used when checking values of other fields:


So, for this particular feature you will need to use some javascript or jquery.


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