
Configure composer install path

id flag

Trying to install drupal via composer on a shared server.

The complete path to my website looks like this :


i have (limited) terminal access and write permissions on the two last directories :

mysite.tld and htdocs.

htdocs is the directory accessible through the web browser.

I installed composer then ran the following command from within mysite.tld directory :

composer.phar create-project drupal/recommended-project:8.9.20 "install-dir"

Now inside mysite.tld directory, i have the htdocs folder and install-dir folder that contains :


I'm looking for a way to use install-dir/web/ as the htdocs/ folder and have it accessible through the browser.


id flag
Drupal 8 reached end of life in November 2021.
NSTK avatar
id flag
Thanks, but that's not the point. My server has limited php support 7.2 or 7.3 i think; so i can't install the latest drupal version. But even if i was installing the latest drupal version, my directory issue would be the same, so ...
cn flag
It really sounds like you want to move everything up from install-dir to mysite.tld, and rename web to htdocs (also updating any references to web/ in composer.json). Otherwise this is more of a question for your hosting provider (how do I point the web root to a new path?)
Jaypan avatar
de flag
Clive gave the correct answer. Move EVERYTHING in `/install-dir` up one directory, edit `composer.json` and change the webroot from `/web` to `/mysite.tld`, then run composer install.

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