
How to get PHP code into a Views Filter

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I have a text field which is extracted from photo's EXIF value; its value is similar to 2021-05-31T15:15:05.

I want to create a view, use the filter and get the field added in. However, I can't use PHP code for it. Instead, I have to do it manually everyday: Set field_datetime to 05-30 and change it to 05-31 the day after. Is there a way to do it automatically?

I'm using Drupal 8.8.

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Drupal 8 reached end of life in November 2021. Upgrade to Drupal 9.
4uk4 avatar
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There are two questions. 1. How to get PHP code into a Views Filter? You need a custom views filter plugin. 2. I have to do it manually everyday. Is there a way to do it automatically? Yes, you could save the View config programmatically in a cron job, this also invalidates the cache tag for the View so that it gets re-rendered.

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