
How to update taxonomy field with array of terms?

fr flag

I am having a body like this

    "userid": 435,

Where userid is the drupal user id. And I need to update field field_user_territory which is a taxonomy field. I do not want earlier territories to go instead I need to update with 2 more territories.

This is the code I tried.

foreach ($territories_id as $territory_id) {

            $user = \Drupal\user\Entity\User::load($userid);
            $user->field_user_territory->target_id = $territory_id;

But here the earlier territories got vanished.

cn flag

You probably want to append the field items:

$user = \Drupal\user\Entity\User::load($userid);
foreach ($territories_id as $territory_id) {
  // full version (works with autocomplete in an IDE)
  $user->get('field_user_territory')->appendItem(['target_id' => $territory_id]);
  // short version in array syntax
  // $user->field_user_territory[] = $territory_id;
Rifas Ali avatar
fr flag
Thanks it worked
Rifas Ali avatar
fr flag
Is there any way to avoid duplication ?
4uk4 avatar
cn flag
Sorry, moved the second version in a comment.

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