I figured out how to do this.
The form actually resides at
As this is an entity form it has to be set/defined in the annotation of the ContentEntityType 'menu'. This is where the form class is usually linked with the 'menu.edit' found in the routing file _entity_form entry.
However I could not find such an annotation at first. Then I finally figured out where this is defined
* Implements hook_entity_type_build().
function menu_ui_entity_type_build(array &$entity_types) {
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface[] $entity_types */
->setFormClass('add', 'Drupal\menu_ui\MenuForm')
->setFormClass('edit', 'Drupal\menu_ui\MenuForm')
->setFormClass('delete', 'Drupal\menu_ui\Form\MenuDeleteForm')
->setLinkTemplate('add-form', '/admin/structure/menu/add')
->setLinkTemplate('delete-form', '/admin/structure/menu/manage/{menu}/delete')
->setLinkTemplate('edit-form', '/admin/structure/menu/manage/{menu}')
->setLinkTemplate('add-link-form', '/admin/structure/menu/manage/{menu}/add')
->setLinkTemplate('collection', '/admin/structure/menu');
if (isset($entity_types['node'])) {
$entity_types['node']->addConstraint('MenuSettings', []);
The above was found in the menu_ui.module. So I learned today that there is alternative way to define the entity form.
So based on the above findings and to answer the question - to alter the Menu edit form links I did the following
- I proceeded to extend the MenuForm in my custom module
- I added a hook_entity_type_alter in my custom module where I linked the new form with the route.
* Implements hook_entity_type_alter().
function my_custom_module_entity_type_alter(&$entity_types) {
->setFormClass('edit', '\Drupal\my_custom_module\MyCustomMenuForm');
and voila I could get the new extended custom form in the url instead of the old one.